- Watching the setting sun cast golden shadows over the Rocky Mountains
- Walking through a sprinkler on a hot summer day
- Playing a 1-7 3-5 Fmaj7 chord with an added 9th on the piano
- Discovering new sounds and textures on the piano
- Listening to jazz music
- BOOM! Headshot.
- Designing new sensors
- Admiring a project after working hours to finish it
- Hearing cars drive too fast through the dip in the intersection next to my house. CRUNCH!
- Watching bugs wander around the yard. What are those little guys thinking?
- Playing frisbee
- Being busy with work
- Learning new and exciting ways to apply mathematics to solve real-world problems
- Writing
- Fantasizing about flying
- Reading the news and having a laugh at the expense of the politicians
- Crawling into bed after a long day of work
- Being self-employed
- Seeing pretty women
- Reading
- Looking at the mountains
- Interacting with friends and family
- Playing with my Droid
- Dreaming about building groups of robots that interact intelligently with the world
- Deriving equations that elegantly describe the physical world
- Speccing parts for sensor designs
- Sitting at my bedroom desk with the windows open
- Cleaning my bedroom
- Organizing
- Doing financial planning
- Speculating about unsolved problems in politics, religion, and science
- Trying to make sense of the world
- Flying RC airplanes and helicopters
- Bragging about my family
- Sneakily bragging about myself
- Cooking and eating food
- Being young
- Watching new films at the theater
What simple parts of life do YOU like?