Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Sometimes I just want to write. I'm not sure why, but something about the process feels meaningful and satisfying to me. Perhaps writing satisfies in inborn desire to create, or maybe seeing a finished essay compliments my vanity. Whatever the case, I enjoy writing enough that it has become a favorite evening activity. I'll sit down at night, fire up iTunes with some light jazz, and write.

The subject-matter is less relevant than the process itself. I could feel satisfied writing about just about anything - the rubber band sitting on my desk, the damned pen that just stopped working, the color of the trees... it doesn't matter. It is fortunate for me that I enjoy writing regardless of the content, because I don't expect that I produce anything truly original or even interesting. It is hard to have a unique thought.

I have no illusions about the quality or depth of my writing. The object of this blog is not to amaze people or revolutionize human thought, but simply to provide a structured outlet for my habit.

The blog title might change. I started with "The Human Condition," because I often find myself writing about people and speculating about why they do what they do. Maybe as I continue to write, a more descriptive title will be in order.


  1. I find that there are two different ways that I can enjoy writing. One is, as you say, the process of writing itself. But the other is the joy of formulating and solidifying one's thoughts into actual words. If I am writing to fulfill the latter of these two objectives then it doesn't much matter where or how I'm writing. But if I'm writing for the former, then I find typing to be less than satisfying. If I'm writing simply for the sake of writing I want it to be with paper and pen/cil so that I can see the white page fill up with marks that I have made. I'm wondering if this is the case for you as well?

  2. I do actually prefer to write with a pen on paper. I find it more... therapeutic. It also prevents me from revising as I write, which inevitably happens when I write digitally. On the other hand, writing by hand takes much longer.
